
The world’s largest marketplace is a good place to start

Sell “things” on global.ebay.com – The world’s largest marketplace is a good place to start for those entrepreneurs that have unique and/or intricate products that global consumers would want. This could be as simple as pieces of handmade jewelry, carvings, or local art. A search of items from St. Kitts and Nevis resulted in zero findings. For a consumer who wishes he would have purchased just another handmade batik, I found these results to be extremely flustering. To get started selling globally on EBay, visit global.ebay.com/guides/selling/ for guides on how to sell internationally.Sell “products” on Alibaba.com – Having the title “The World’s Largest Business to Business Marketplace”; it’s regretful that not one business in St. Kitts Iphone 4s Dust proof Plug and Nevis offered products for sale on Alibaba.com. Alibaba is quickly becoming the first stop for businesses, regardless of size, looking to do business internationally. With membership and listing leads being free, businesses from street vendors to multinational companies should take advantage of this revolutionary tool. To get started, check out alibaba.com/trade/servlet/page/help/new_to_alibaba/alibaba_user_guide/join_alibaba_free(Hint: It’s also easy for an individual to import, so consider importing items or materials to sell locally.)Outsource “services” Nail Brush on eLance.com – Talented in accounting, web design, or customer service? Internet has changed the way we live and work. No longer does the accountant have to be in the same building as the business; or the same country for that matter. Elance allows individuals around the world to bid on projects for others around the world. It could be something as simple as doing a logo for someone in France or as complex as helping do legal paperwork for a patent in the United States. Let’s think about what unique competitive advantages the Caribbean has over others. Having both languages of G-7 countries and a similar time zone to the United States, those located in the Caribbean would appear much more attractive to project managers than those in Eastern Asian countries. To get started with elance.com, go to elance.com/p/how_it_works.htmlWhether your goal is to have sales revenues in the millions or to be like my best friend’s mom who sells her hand knitted scarves in her spare time, be sure to sell to the largest marketplace you can, the world.
Sell “things” on global.ebay.com – The world’s largest marketplace is a good place to start for those entrepreneurs that have unique and/or intricate products that global consumers would want. This could be as simple as pieces of handmade jewelry, carvings, or local art. A search of items from St. Kitts and Nevis resulted in zero findings. For a consumer who wishes he would have purchased just another handmade batik, I found these results to be extremely flustering. To get started selling globally on EBay, visit global.ebay.com/guides/selling/ for guides on how to sell internationally.Sell “products” on Alibaba.com – Having the title “The World’s Largest Business to Business Marketplace”; it’s regretful that not one business in St. Kitts and Nevis offered products for sale on Alibaba.com. Alibaba is quickly becoming the first stop for businesses, regardless of size, looking to do business internationally. With membership and listing leads being free, businesses from street vendors to multinational companies should take advantage of this revolutionary tool. To get started, check out alibaba.com/trade/servlet/page/help/new_to_alibaba/alibaba_user_guide/join_alibaba_free(Hint: It’s also easy for an individual to import, so consider importing items or materials to sell locally.)Outsource “services” on eLance.com – Talented in accounting, web design, or customer service? Internet has Motorcycle Goggles changed the way we live and work. No longer does the Nail Polish accountant have to be in the same building as the business; or the same country for that matter. Elance allows individuals around the world to bid on projects for others around the world. It could be something as simple as doing a logo for someone in France or as complex as helping do legal paperwork for a patent in the United States. Let’s think about what unique competitive advantages the Caribbean has over others. Having both languages of G-7 countries and a similar time zone to the United States, those located in the Caribbean would appear much more attractive to project managers than those in Eastern Asian countries. To get started with elance.com, go to elance.com/p/how_it_works.htmlWhether your goal is to have sales revenues in the millions or to be like my best friend’s mom who sells her hand knitted scarves in her spare time, be sure to sell to the largest marketplace you can, the world.

